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Beware of Bloody Chapter and its Causes

Have you ever found blood when you pooped? This might scare you. Not wrong if you are worried, because bowel movements or bloody stools can indicate a serious problem, although it is not always. There are many causes of bloody bowel movements, the severity can vary. Starting from minor or common bleeding, to heavy and life-threatening bleeding. Sometimes a bloody chapter is also accompanied by black stool, a condition that indicates that the source of bleeding comes from the upper gastrointestinal tract.

This Causes Bloody Chapter

Blood in the stool can be a sign of bleeding in your digestive tract. The amount can be small, but sometimes it can also be a lot. Here are some of the causes of bloody bowel movements, including:
  • Hemorrhoids

  • Chapter bleed is generally caused by hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are conditions in which blood vessels located around the anus swell. In general, there are two types of hemorrhoids, namely external and internal hemorrhoids. Straining is too strong when bowel movements can cause bleeding. Chapter bleeding in hemorrhoids is usually not accompanied by pain and in the form of fresh red blood. Symptoms of hemorrhoids are generally in the form of itching or discomfort around the anus, accompanied by a lump in the anal canal.
  • Fissura ani

  • Anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anal wall that causes pain during bowel movements. Wounds on the anal wall can cause bloody bowel movements, with fresh red blood, accompanied by pain.
  • Fistula ani

  • Anal fistulas are channels that form between the tip of the large intestine and the skin around the anus. This condition can cause bloody bowel movements and can be very painful. If left untreated, it can cause anal infection or anal abscess. Symptoms can include fever, pain and swelling around the anus, as well as pus or foul-smelling discharge from the anus.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are diseases that arise due to inflammation in the intestine. This disease can make you experience abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, malnutrition, and bloody bowel movements.
  • Diverticular disease

  • Diverticula are small pockets that form on the walls of the large intestine. Usually, this bag does not cause problems. However, sometimes the diverticula can bleed or become infected, and cause bloody bowel movements.
  • Cancer and colon polyps

  • Chapter bleed can also be one of the symptoms of colon polyps and colorectal cancer. Often, the bleeding is internal and not visible to the naked eye. Polyps are lumps that grow on the walls of the large intestine. These lumps can be benign, but they can also be an early form of malignancy or cancer. Symptoms of colorectal cancer that need to be aware of are weight loss without apparent cause, weakness, pale, constipation, and pain after bowel movements.
Chapter bleed can not be considered trivial, because the symptoms of the disease that can cause bloody bowel movements are sometimes similar to each other, and can be caused by a serious condition that needs to be treated immediately. In addition, bloody bowel movements in large quantities are severe conditions that need medical help as early as possible. Treatment to treat bloody bowel movements needs to start with determining the diagnosis of the disease that is the cause of this complaint. After the diagnosis is determined by the doctor, the treatment of bloody chapter will be adjusted to the cause of the disease. You can reduce the risk of bloody bowel movements by drinking plenty of water, eating fibrous foods, avoiding sitting too long, and avoiding the consumption of alcoholic drinks which can cause dehydration and constipation. If you feel dizzy, pale, not feeling well, black or dark red stool, excessive blood loss, heart rate becomes fast and difficult to breathe, or faint, it is important for you to see a doctor immediately. Chapter bleeding accompanied by signs and symptoms can be a serious condition that requires immediate medical treatment.
